As individuals, journalists, brands and organizations take curation tools into their own hands, experimenting and playing with them, more and more cases are tried out, tested and shared. Following are some ”cool ideas” or ”best practices”.
Content Curation – Growing Up and Coming of Age
måndag, januari 23, 2012
fredag, januari 20, 2012
Google Autocomplete Pro med sociala sökningar
Upptäckte idag att jag i min browser har funktionen Google Autocomplete Pro. Google Autocomplete Pro ger dig möjlighet till ett flertal anpassade sökningar. |
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Google Autocomplete Pro |
Genom att klicka på knappen "Google Search" så söker jag efter svaret på min sökning i mitt sociala nätverk på Google+. Här kan jag som "vanligt" sortera mitt söksvar i den traditionella sökmenyn till vänster.
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Google Autocomplete personal result |
Använder jag knappen "Web Search" så hamnar jag på en lite annorlunda sida jmf med den normala resultatsidan på Google. Till vänster har jag ett antal olika vertikala sökmöjligheter. T.ex. kan jag söka på enbart Facebook, Twitter eller Amazon efter svaret på min sökning. En sökning på Facebook ger mig personer som anger "Platsen" i sin publika profil. T.ex. en sökning på Google ger mig personer som arbetar på Google. Söker jag på företagsnamnet Alenio så får jag fram personer som arbetar på Alenio.
På liknande sätt fungerar Twitter och Amazon sökningen. Intressant att notera är att Google här lyfter ut både Twitter, Facebook och Amazon som egna vertikala sökkanaler.
Till höger har jag ett antal relaterade sökningar och här dyker även annonseringen upp enligt traditionellt Google maner.
tisdag, januari 17, 2012
GoMo: An Initiative From Google
Ett riktigt intressant och kul verktyg för att testa hur mobilvänlig en sajt är. Tips från Google på vad man ska tänka på för att sajten bättre ska passa i det mobila gränssnittet.
GoMo: An Initiative From Google
GoMo: An Initiative From Google
Site title and description - Webmaster Tools Help
Google guidelines for writing site title and description on your web site.
Site title and description - Webmaster Tools Help
Site title and description - Webmaster Tools Help
Brand Impakt Blogspace: 2012 - The Year for Mobile Websites & Location Based Services
The outlook for 2012 sure looks the same for Microsoft when compared to what it was in the beginning of 2011 - with the weak computer sales eating into their business while it slowly tries catch up with the faster growning mobile phone and tablet markets.
"(It is) clear that investors will continue to need to be patient," Barclays Capital analyst Raimo Lenschow said in a research note on Friday. "There could be positive short-term momentum ... but we first need to see proper evidence of mobile/tablet success rather than just signs of hope."
Brand Impakt Blogspace: 2012 - The Year for Mobile Websites & Location Based Services
"(It is) clear that investors will continue to need to be patient," Barclays Capital analyst Raimo Lenschow said in a research note on Friday. "There could be positive short-term momentum ... but we first need to see proper evidence of mobile/tablet success rather than just signs of hope."
Brand Impakt Blogspace: 2012 - The Year for Mobile Websites & Location Based Services
Search, plus Your World, Inside Google Search
Allt du kan behöva veta om Google Search, plus Your World.
Search, plus Your World Inside Google Search
Search, plus Your World Inside Google Search
Official Google Blog: Search, plus Your World
Official Google Blog: Search, plus Your World
Google Search has always been about finding the best results for you. Sometimes that means results from the public web, but sometimes it means your personal content or things shared with you by people you care about. These wonderful people and this rich personal content is currently missing from your search experience. Search is still limited to a universe of webpages created publicly, mostly by people you’ve never met. Today, we’re changing that by bringing your world, rich with people and information, into search.
Search, plus Your World
Google Search has always been about finding the best results for you. Sometimes that means results from the public web, but sometimes it means your personal content or things shared with you by people you care about. These wonderful people and this rich personal content is currently missing from your search experience. Search is still limited to a universe of webpages created publicly, mostly by people you’ve never met. Today, we’re changing that by bringing your world, rich with people and information, into search.
torsdag, januari 12, 2012
Google Social Search
Intressanta artiklar om Google Social Search.
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