söndag, februari 27, 2011
Dax att lägga ner "hemsidan"
fredag, februari 25, 2011
Official Google Blog: Finding more high-quality sites in search
Official Google Blog: Finding more high-quality sites in search
Finding more high-quality sites in search
måndag, februari 21, 2011
fredag, februari 18, 2011
torsdag, februari 17, 2011
Crowdsource Your Friends' Opinions with Cloudy iPhone App
Crowdsource Your Friends' Opinions with Cloudy iPhone App
Article: This is the Creepy, Super Cool Future of Smartphones & Social Networks
This is the Creepy, Super Cool Future of Smartphones & Social Networks
Google Gets Social: Your Friends Bust Into the Ten Blue Links
Google Gets Social: Your Friends Bust Into the Ten Blue Links
tisdag, februari 15, 2011
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Webmaster Tools Help
SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimizer." Deciding to hire an SEO is a big decision that can potentially improve your site and save time, but you can also risk damage to your site and reputation. Make sure to research the potential advantages as well as the damage that an irresponsible SEO can do to your site. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:
måndag, februari 14, 2011
Reasons people ‘Unlike’ Brands on Facebook | Penn Olson
Why do people 'unlike' brands on Facebook? Aresearch jointly conducted by Cotweet and ExactTarget revealed the reasons. They were all content related.
44 percent of the respondents dislike a brand because the companies posted too frequently and the same proportion of people said that their walls are congested with marketing post. Besides marketing related content, respondents also revealed that they dislike abrand on Facebook when content became repetitive and boring.
Reasons people 'Unlike' Brands on Facebook | Penn Olsonhttp://www.penn-olson.com/2011/02/15/facebook-marketing/
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12 Major Business Benefits Of The Social Media Revolution
12 Major Business Benefits Of The Social Media Revolution
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lördag, februari 12, 2011
Article: HipGeo: Tech Veterans Tackle Geo 2.0
HipGeo: Tech Veterans Tackle Geo 2.0
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torsdag, februari 10, 2011
Increase ROI and Reassure Your Customers with Integrated Mobile, Web, and App Privacy
Skickat från min iPad
onsdag, februari 09, 2011
lördag, februari 05, 2011
fredag, februari 04, 2011
Om du trodde att YouTube var den enda videosajten!
tisdag, februari 01, 2011
Google Latitude Adds Checkins
2011-02-01 20:21 Google Latitude Adds Checkins - http://on.mash.to/eGRofD |
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Article: CHART OF THE DAY: Here's How Much A Unique Visitor Is Worth
CHART OF THE DAY: Here's How Much A Unique Visitor Is Worth
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Article: Enterprise Wikis: A shift in thinking | Government In The Lab
Enterprise Wikis: A shift in thinking | Government In The Lab
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